
Monday, August 6, 2012

37 Weeks & My Baby Items

Happy Monday, hope you had a great weekend! 37 weeks...welcome to 'full term!' Can't believe I'm saying that - as there is so much more to do before the arrival of this little one! I have been feeling pretty well for the most part - my hands have started to swell a tiny bit (not much, but enough for me to remove my rings), and everything involving physical movement (stairs, getting out of bed, rolling over at night, hauling in groceries, etc) seems a bit more difficult these days! I am getting very excited to get fully moved (this upcoming weekend), and n-e-s-t! I have been craving more and more sweets (not out of the ordinary for me), and discovered my new, favorite treat - carrot cream cheese cupcakes...yum. If you live near a Native Foods, you must try it! It's vegan, and you would never know (I've never had a vegan dessert before this, and it is one of the best carrot cake/cupcakes I've ever had)

Much of my weekend was spent running errands and testing paint...see what I mean? 

It's amazing how different the color looks once you get it on the wall - some of them look NOTHING like the color on the paint swatch! We have decided on a color, and I'll be sharing more on that soon! 

This weekend, I also finished buying all of the 'newborn essentials' I will need - at least for the first few weeks...I would much rather figure out I need something and buy it after the baby is here, than stock up on 100 items I don't need/will never use. This isn't everything (obviously), and not all of these are among my 'essentials' list ... just a few items I am most excited about! 

Did you do anything fun this weekend? 


  1. those carrot cupcakes are amazing! cant wait to see the pink you picked ..... it is a hard color to get perfect! LOVE LOVE the crib sheets - where are they from????

    1. Thank you - the sheets are from Carousel Designs -


  2. Where did you find your crib sheets!!!?? I have been trying to find cute girl bedding and have been having the worst luck!

    1. the sheets are from Carousel Designs -


  3. How funny! I'm eating the rose flavored cupcake from there right now while reading your post. Will have to try the carrot one next time.

  4. ohh are those cupcakes soy free too?? I want one sooo bad (wipes drool).

    Love those sheets! I have the life factory bottles, and while we dont use bottles often I really love them. Only drawback for us is the nipple collapses easily with her suction. We didnt buy a high chair yet either, will when we start solids in a few months, but that one has been on my list, let me know how you like it!

    1. I have no idea if they are soy free - but they are delish!

      Yes - I don't plan to use the bottles very often, either, but I like the fact that they are glass, and they can go from freezer to boiling water and in the dishwasher! Wonder if you could buy another nipple to attach.


  5. I got the same bottles :) I hope they never break!!

    1. Me too! I watched a few 'review' videos and they demonstrated the bottle falling onto a wood floor, a cement floor, and a tile floor without breaking! Fingers crossed! :)

  6. LOVE the high chair and the sheets! And Sophie is the best! Can't believe how close you are!!

    1. Thank you, Natasha! I know - I can't believe it either...still so much to do :)

  7. Mmm! now of course I NEED a carrot cake cupcake!! lol
    Are those sheets from Carousel Designs?! I registered there for our babies cribs sheets!
    So excited for you! When is your actual due date?

    1. Yes they are! I love Carousel - they have so many different and CUTE designs!


  8. oh my gosh, I bought the same tub for my first baby, supposed to be more natural feeling, it was a total disaster! Couldn't hold baby up and bathe her at the same time. Went out and bought the old standard the next day. Hope you have better luck with it!


Thank you for visiting! xoxo