
Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday - 4 Things I'm Loving

Happy Friday chicklets! So happy the weekend is here - woohoo! Do you have any big plans? Not much here - just going to relax, and get a few things done around the house.

After seeing Natasha's blog post, I decided I would give Scentsy a try - mostly because I love owls. I have always heard people raving about Scentsy, but to be honest, I thought it was a little 'trinket-y' (sorry, but it's true). However, when I received my owl yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised shocked - it didn't look like a little trinket at all. It reminds me of all of the owls I've been seeing at West Elm lately, AND it serves an amazing purpose. I ordered 'Central Park Pralines,' and the smell is ah-ma-zingly delicious! I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking to fill their home with amazing smells this holiday season. See how cute this little whooter is? Sophia loved him - she couldn't stop staring.

We are seriously loving Sophia's high chair. This high chair is great because it can be used from birth - age 4 (maybe even older than that depending on child size ha!). It has many different positions - right now we are using the 'cradle' position without the tray, which is basically just a little seat for her. She likes to sit by me while I am cooking, and ends up falling asleep by the time we are finishing dinner. You can find the chair here. 

I bought a new planner, and am very happy with the layout - it's the 'Mom Agenda,' and you can find it here. I overpaid for mine at Papyrus - DON'T do that! The planner is split up very nicely, and has places for notes, monthly calendars, weekly calendars with more than enough room to write, lists of holidays, favorite websites, and much more. 

And lastly - these coasters! Pretty self explanatory - we got two sets of these from my parents, and I love them! They are heavy, gorg, and have a nice foam pad covering the entire bottom of the coaster (great for counters), not to mention the pretty holder they rest in. Find the coasters here.

Happy Friday - have a great weekend! 


  1. That is so funny! After reading Natasha's post I ordered the same owl! I was just like you and thought Scentsy was a little trinkty! I will have to try that scent I got christmas cottage and pear something. Both are very good! Love those planners too! I use to use those all through college. The myagenda version and not the momagenda version! haha

  2. oh i wish we would have purchased that highchair! I don't have any complaints with ours yet but that one looks much more fun ;) xo

  3. OOO great!I've been looking for a good planner. I ordered a Cavallini one from Paper Source and was completely disappointed so I've been on the search for different one. I was actually deciding between the MomAgenda one and the actual one I got! It's so hard to tell over the internet. So thanks! Have a good weekend!

  4. Oo I like your highchair! I've been wanting to try scentsy too. I keep hearing good things about them.

  5. Awesome high chair!! What a plus that it reclines.

  6. I am obsessed with the owl scentsy! I just had my mom place and order for it! I have a zebra one but the owl one is too cute to pass up!


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