
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holiday Camera Roll

Happy New Year! Here's a peek at our holiday...5 plane rides, 8 hours in the car, 3 different beds, and a wonderful time wrapped jammed into one week.

We used to be the couple who traveled with two carry-ons, no matter HOW long our trip was going to be. We are were expert packers. This is what we look like now....first stop: Chicago.

two large suitcases, two large carry-on's, and the infamous car seat bag LOL

We took a trip to my! I have been craving this for over a year, and finally got to indulge in my turkey with hot peppers...yummm.

My in-law's live in the suburbs, but we wanted to take a trip downtown to visit all of our favorite places. It was so much fun - we got to show Sophia all around the city...she was sleeping ;). 
tribune tree

gorg, new burberry store is finally done! 

My very first Chicago apartment - Michigan Avenue...oh, the memories! I lived on the top (38th) floor on the corner - you can see my old window (top left). 

the most delicious hot chocolate ever

After an amazing Christmas in Chicago, we hopped a plane headed to Iowa. We usually have Christmas at my parent's home, but my sister-in-law just had a baby and this meant minimal travel, so my OTHER sister-in-law and brother graciously hosted a beautiful Christmas. I swear, she is the best hostess and thinks of every detail! See what I mean? 

amazing centerpieces 

Sophia and her cousin, Gemma 

Sophia and Graham - these two are 3 weeks apart!

Papa & Sophia 

visiting my brother's new office that he built - so proud! 

How cute is this picture of my nieces? LOL - they love each other! 

The following day, we headed to my parent's house to spend some time and visit my grandparents. I don't get to see them often, and I really wanted them to be able to meet Sophia.

gorgeous sunrise from my parent's front yard

love spending time with my mama (and dad) - wish they lived closer

Sophia and her great grands - such a precious memory. 

airport living

finally home - enjoying a relaxing new year by the fire! 

Back to reality! 


  1. Love your sweater in the picture with your mom. Where did you get it? Happy new year!! Hope Sophia had a wonderful first Christmas :)

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday! You have such a gorgeous family!

  3. The sunrise on the lake is sooo pretty! Makes me miss boji!

    1. ahh I know - I wish I could visit more often!

  4. Chicago looks lovely! It's on my goal list for 2013 because I've never been.

    That tablescape at Christmas is absolutely gorgeous! And so are all the babes of course

    1. Erin - Chicago is amazing, seriously! You should definitely visit in the summer, best city in the world during the summer! xo

  5. sounds like a great (exhausting) trip! love love love that pic of your little with that pink headband!!! . . . Happy New Year

    1. It was so great! Thank you, Emma! xo Happy New Year!

  6. I've always wanted to visit Chicago! Beautiful photos!

  7. Beautiful pictures Brooke! What a fun & busy holiday you had! Isn't it nice to be back at home! We had a whirlwind few weeks as well and I'm enjoying my couch & wine tonight :)

  8. 5 plane rides?! You guys are rock stars! Im with you on the only packing carry on pre babies... don't think that will be happening for a LONG time now ;)

    1. Ha - I was so nervous about it, but I figured...if she's a total wreck there's nothing we can do! Luckily, she was a great traveler (this time)! xo

  9. i LOVE that office! It's gorgeous :)

    1. I agree, Arielle! Always impressed with my brother and his building skills! ;)

  10. Brooke, Sophia is a doll. I am obsessed with her burberry jammies! Happy New Year, sweets!

    1. Aww thank you, Morgy! I hope you are doing well, happy new year! xo


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