
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

up in the gym just working on my fitness

Time to get real, ladies...after having my sweet Sophia, I really fell off the fitness course I was used to. Breastfeeding really helped me lose all of the weight within a matter of weeks, and I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight in no time. However, there was a LOT of toning to do, and I had a plan....had being the keyword. It's amazing how you find yourself with NO time to do things for yourself (ok, maybe a bit dramatic, but a LOT less time than pre-babe), which includes working out.

Last month, I decided it was time to get with the program, as summer is coming up, and we are heading to Miami in April (woah, next month!). I decided my at-home workout plan was simply not working, got a gym membership, and began to schedule 4 days/week to go to the gym (so much more planning involved, yet again). Finally, I am getting into a routine (as of this week), and am getting back to it. Trying to schedule workouts around my husband's job, our nanny's schedule, and my own is a bit of a balancing act, but I'm finally getting it together.

I have given up Coca Cola for lent (just happened to be the right time), which has been surprisingly EASY - I'm so shocked. I owe it all to the glorious bev we call coconut water. Whenever I'm craving a soda, I reach for my coconut water (but still limit to 1 a day), and it has really been helping. My favorite brand is 'Real Coconut Water,' I think it has the best/most natural taste. I buy it at Whole Foods, but recently saw it on Amazon as well.

In addition to my gym schedule, I decided to kick it up a notch for the next 30 days, and complete Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I know a lot of people do this program alone and see a lot of results, but 20 minutes/day doesn't seem like enough for me (I have a long way to go to get to my goal). Plus, the workouts aren't too difficult (yet - I'm only on day 2), so I don't feel too tired to hit the gym later in the day. If anyone is interested in doing this with me, I found the video on YouTube! See it here. 

I am passionate about fitness and nutrition, it's just getting the schedule consistent that has been causing the problem as of late. I'm hoping I've got it down now. Is anyone else ready to get in shape for summer? I hope I'm not the only one who needs a little kick! ;) 


  1. YES. Coconut Water. Cannot believe I have just discovered this within the past year- I also have about one a day (and literally the best cure for a hangover). I also just got back into the gym habit and I'm loving that alone time for myself even more than the sweat I break. And btw- you go girl with that bod- even when you were pregnant you were still teeny :)

    1. Me too, Laura - it's SO GOOD! Aw thank you, that's so sweet but it sure doesn't feel like it ;)

  2. I hear you on the workout train! You are lucky you got down to your pre pregnancy weight so fast. I am still trying. I have started these new workout classes called fusion. They are unbelievably hard, but I can feel them working. I also tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred but got a little bored of it.

    1. I'd love to look into those classes, I've never heard of them!

  3. OMG! You have taken the words right out of my mouth! I can totally relate to the losing baby weight due to breastfeeding (thank goodness), so I don't really want to lose weight, but would LOVE to get toned! My husband travels on tour soooo much and we don't have a sitter/nanny, so it is a lot harder for me to get away. What home workout were you doing? I have to workout during Amara's nap! : /. Ever done barre amped?

    1. I haven't done barre amped - I'm going to try a barre class this weekend though, excited! I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred right now as well as Tracey Anderson! xo

  4. amen girl! Getting it right and tight for Summer...although Ive totally been lagging on the gym lately. Need to get back on track asap xo

  5. I'm so on board, and have been dying to try coconut water, so glad you like it!


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