
Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I know they aren't for everyone...but I'm personally a huge fan of new year's resolutions. There is just something so refreshing about having a 'clean slate.' That being said, I don't think it's ever too late to start, either. This year, I want to set realistic resolutions for myself...simply because I want to achieve each and every one of them.

1. EATING 'CLEAN' - This one shouldn't be too difficult. I usually eat pretty clean, but lately I've been majorly slacking - the busier I become, the harder it seems to be. In order to keep on track, I will be adding 'menu planning' to this resolution. If it's already in my fridge or pantry, it's just that much easier. Eating clean helps me to feel better, and I really want to set a good example for Sophia as she begins to eat solids. I do have a few splurge items I'm not sure I can give up (or want to at this point), but I think that's ok!

2. READ 4 BOOKS - Reading is something I (sort of) enjoy. If I have a good book, I'm a total hi, I read all three 50 Shades books in one week, ha! However, I'll admit - I am much more apt to turn on the TV than pick up a book. This year, I will read four books - not too difficult or unrealistic. I've had the book Gone Girl sitting on my bookshelf for a long time, and my mom's book club is reading it this month, so that will be my first book - that way we can dish about it together ;).

3. GET FIT - Confession: I have been totally slacking on getting back in shape. I've lost all of the weight I gained during pregnancy (within the first few weeks), but I've been doing a terrible, horrible job of getting toned, and it's really starting to get to me. I am tired of feeling 'gross' and SO ready to get in great shape, and January is the perfect time. I know this is one of those resolutions everyone seems to break, but not me, not now - I enjoy working out, it's just getting into the routine that's difficult (even more difficult with a little one), but NO excuses...this has to happen. 

There you have it! Three simple resolutions - I am not going to set myself up for failure by listing 25 things I would love to do this year (become an extreme organizer, for example). My thoughts - if I get on track with these three resolutions, I can always add more at a later date. How about you, do you believe in new year's resolutions? 


  1. You took the words right out of my mout!

    I just walk by the veggie/fruit stand and contemplated buying one of each kind today.

    I do the exact same thing with books. If I like it I don't put it down even to pee until it's done (Hello Hunger Games) but I would choose Real Housewives of anywhere over a book anyday.

    And I need need need to tone. Not so much lose weight - just make all the flub stop jiggling. Great resolutions!

  2. I make goals not resolutions. I have number one in common with you! I am slowly realizing that I can't eat like I used to without consequences so I am trying really hard to make healthy changes!


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