Monday, April 23, 2012

My Weekend

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was busy, but's a little iphone recap.

shrimp taco - banana shopping - first-ever mushroom burger (YUM)
dress: F21 (featured last week) - a little 'bebe preparer'
rooftop laguna love
hat: h&m, top: eclair, skirt: arden b - $2 bill - fiji mani
strawberry shake - dress: spelndid, scarf: arden b


  1. You look DARLING! Love your F21 dress...great buy!

    And I've actually been enjoying soft cheese during pregnancy. 99% of what you buy at the store is pasteurized. I keep an eye on the labels. Glad you enjoyed a yummy dinner at Roy's! Love Fashion Island! ;)

    1. Thank you!

      I have been entirely skipping the section because I didn't want to temp myself - now I'm dying to go to the store! Thank you for the tip!



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